The International Institute for Foot and Ankle Surgery (IIFAS) embarks on medical missions annually; Headed by Joseph D. Giovinco, DPM (Ankle and Foot Centers of Georgia Founder), Nicholas Giovinco DPM, and Gregory Alvarez DPM. This Georgia-based non-profit organization delivers quality foot and ankle care to impoverished communities in third world countries. IIFAS offers the citizens of these countries the same standard of medical care as their United States counterparts.
The medical missions are equipped with a great deal of medical equipment and surgical supplies. The podiatric campaign effectively treats over 100 patients in the clinical and surgical settings. Many of these patients will make the difficult trek to the hospital to attain foot and ankle surgery that would be unavailable to them otherwise.
After initial treatment and screening, a typical days’ work will consist of morning surgical rounds, followed by serial castings, clubfoot operations and reconstructive surgeries of the foot and ankle. Rather than simply providing transient relief from these podiatric ailments.
The mission of International Institute for Foot & Ankle Surgery is to treat foot and ankle deformities and to teach the local medical community to continue to offer that same level of care by means of training and education.
This continuing effort is made possible by both the local ancillary services offered by the hospital, as well as the overwhelming support of local residents and hospital staff. In addition to volunteer translation service and medical assistance, these local citizens will also provide travel and housing arrangements to the campaigns members. This integration and cooperation with the local community remains an important cornerstone of what IIFAS offers. This effort is made possible by the many generous supporters.